The Downtown Columbia Partnership is exactly that — a partner in your success as a business owner. Becoming a member is an investment in your company, and an investment in Downtown Columbia.
Membership Benefits
The major benefit of membership in the Downtown Columbia Partnership is actively supporting the healthy development and momentum of the community where you do business. The more support DTCP receives, the more it helps create a marketplace for your goods and services and a community where your employees want to work, live and play.
Specific membership benefits include:
- Sponsorship of DTCP signature events at your membership level
- Signage with your company’s logo at DTCP events and activities
- Logo placement on Discover Downtown Columbia 5k/10k shirts
- Logo placement on BikeAround Downtown shirts
- Recognition in the opening of the DTCRadio Podcast
- Opportunity for your company to be included in DTCP’s campaigns
- Listing of your business in the DTCP Annual Report and other publications
- News and announcements about your company included in social media
- Free admission to DTCP’s networking cocktail crawls and other activities
Membership Levels in the DTCP include:
Gold $10,000
Silver $5,000
Bronze $2,500
To discuss membership benefits and customize your benefit package contact Executive Director Phillip Dodge, #ob#Cuvyyvc#at#qgpcnegarefuvc.pbz#ob#.
Check out our Membership Brochure to learn more.
Click here to view a list of our sponsors and read their profiles.